Ateljé Sotamaa Designing Human Experiences

February 2024
The book 'Design Technology and Digital Production, An Architecture Anthology' by Gabriel Esquivel is out. It includes an interview of Kivi Sotamaa as well as texts and interviews from many friends from around the world.
Hernan Diaz Alonso, Elena Manferdini and Jasmine Benyamin, Dora Epstein Jones, Stephen Caffey, Joseph Choma, Kory Bieg, Eric Goldemberg, Kristy Baillet and Kelly Bair, Gilles Retsin, Daniela Atencio and Claudio Rossi, José Sánchez, Daniel Koehler, Casey Rehm, Matias Del Campo, Robert Stuart-Smith, Benjamin Ennemoser, Courtney Coffman, Viola Ago, Perry Kulper, Ersela Kripa and Stephen Mueller, Graham Harman, Mark Foster Gage, Ferda Kolatan, Niccolo Casas, Michael Young, Levi Bryant, Barry Wark, Nate Hume, Clark Thenhaus, Gonzalo Vaillo, Joris Putteneers, Jordi, Denise Luna and Alex Santander, Kivi Sotamaa, Tom Wiscombe Marcelo Spina and Georgina Huljich, Dwayne Oyler and Jenny Wu.

February 2024
Lapland Cabin -project is nearly complete and house warming party was held during the annual winter break at Pyhätunturi. (proper images coming later).

November 2023
Architecture and Design as Tools for Regional Development, Part 3: Puulaakso Kontioranta Oy / Kosmos Nordic Design Resort Oy is launching a share issue in December aimed at small investors and partners. The first phase aims to build a 'hotel monument' inspired by boulders and the Salpalinja next to Kontioranta's stunning ski and mountain bike trails.
October 2023
The Kivi sauna cantilevered foundations, were securely anchored in place in the outer islands of Finland. This spring, the actual sauna structure will be positioned onto these foundations.

June 2023
Our first UFO house, customized specially to archipelago setting and climate was assembled on site in mere six days - beginning to end. (Foundations were installed a week earlier).

May 2023
Nordic Design Resort design development commences. Nordic Design Resort is a new concept for sustainable wellness and nature tourism in Kontiolahti, Finland. With a unique vision for architecture and design, combined with premium wood construction expertise, the resort aims to provide a personalized and innovative guest experience while minimizing its impact on the environment.


Instituto de Arquitectura
27 de febrero 2023,
16.00hs (hora de Buenos Aires, GMT-3)
En directo por YouTube del Instituto de Arquitectura de Buenos Aires

The Meteorite has been selected as one of the 15 most striking architectural floor plans of 2022 by world architectural community.
The other offices include Heatherwick Studio, Junya Ishigami+Associates, ZHA and Salon Alper Derinbogaz, a talented Turkish architect and a student of Kivi's from UCLA.

We are working on a one of a kind hunting lodge in Saxnäs in Swedish Lapland. The project will be realized during 2023.
We are working on a number of buildings on amazing island sites. The buildings will be realized over the next two years with first four going up this summer.
Construction started a in the autumn a year ago and now thanks to the terrific work by Vivaret Usva is nearing completion.
The family will move in on December 15th and last details will be perfected in the coming months after which the project will be published.

We're working on the interiors of a two apartment luxury log cabin in Lapland. Construction will be completed by Christmas 2023.

16.11.2022 Open Sea
Together with Jonathan Hull and Ulla-Maaria Koivula we have launched the first-ever collection of architecture NFTs that can be reproduced in the physical world. NFT owners not only get a unique collectible, a piece of digital art, but they will also get access to the original building plans and manufacturing files that can be used to reproduce one instance of the building.
See the comments for our first piece of press from HYPEBEAST/HYPEMOON and check out The Kosmos NFT Collection on OpenSea.
Cheers to trying new things!

Torstaina 3.11.2022 klo 8.30-16.45 Helsingin Messukeskus,
Puupäivän suurimmassa salissa järjestetään Suunnittelijapäivä, jonka ohjelma pyrkii tuomaan ajatuksia puutuotteiden innovatiiviseen käyttöön niin arkkitehdeille kuin teknisille suunnittelijoillekin.
Arkkitehdeista tapaamme tänä vuonna ALA Arkkitehdit, joiden suunnittelemia kohteita ovat Konserttitalo Kilden, T2, Keskustakirjasto Oodi ja Kotkan sataman tapahtuma-areena. Schauman Arkkitehdeiltä Niklas Kronberg ja Turun kaupungilta Mika Rajala tulevat kertomaan Turun Linnanfältin alueen kehityksestä. Ateljé Sotamaan Kivi Sotamaa esittelee Kosmos-pientalomallistoaan, johon myös kuvan Meteorite kuuluu.

Meteorite is featured in the upcoming book Manual of Biogenic House Section by Princeton Architectural Press.

The Meteorite is published in the upcoming Small Houses -book by Philip Jodidio and Taschen.

September 28–30, 2022 Little Finlandia, Helsinki
Kivi Sotamaa took part in Wood Forum Nordic under parametric design topic: Parametric thinking is ubiquitous, even in our daily routines. Parameters, their meaning, and their importance, are subject to constant change. Radical changes can even lead to paradigm shifts, as we perceive in the light of climate urgency. Digitalization and parametric thinking are keys to success, both, for business and for nature.
Forum Wood Building Nordic 2022 brings together practitioners, academics and policy makers to exchange experiences and learn from the forefront in the field, with lectures from international speakers accompanied by an exhibition where different organizations show their latest products and services. The building construction industry, scientific research communities, and building authorities will come together to learn, find inspiration, and exchange experiences

One of the three main exhibitions at Fiskars Village Art & Design Biennale (from 22 May to 4 September 2022) is ‘House by an Architect’ that presents wood architecture, interior design for small spaces and contemporary art.
In this summer’s Fiskars Village Biennale, architecture is playing the leading role. The event will present a collection of mini houses, a building category that is gaining popularity around the world. Their design is not based on any given location but on adaptability to various different environments.
The House by an Architect collection consists of seven mini houses designed by AS LL TK, Rintala Eggertsson Architects, Sommarnöjen, Ateljé Sotamaa, Studio Puisto, and the Wood Studio of Aalto University.

Jeffrey Kipnis & The Quest for the New
The symposium on April 19, 2022 will unfold along a set themed and moderated conversations between Jeffrey Kipnis and key companions in the quest for the new, one of them Kivi Sotamaa.
Three decades ago, Jeffrey Kipnis embarked on a quest for the new in architecture, bringing forth a whole range of influential ideas and approaches fusing design theory with novel instrumental design methods in the pursuit of experimental design along his five points for a new architecture.
Now, three decades later it is high time to take stock of these developments. Is the quest for the "new" still on?

Fazer's story lives on - and the Fazer Experience Visitor Center is evolving with it. Known as an architectural landmark and an international visitor destination in the Vaarala area, the visitor center was opened in October 2016. In November 2021, the visitor centre's exhibition underwent a major overhaul and opened up to the public in an even more experiential way.
The renovation has also been designed by Ateljé Sotamaa Tuuli and Kivi Sotamaa, who were responsible for the original exhibition, together with the people of Fazer, and new works have been created by dozens of masters in their field, from audiovisual designers to glassblowers and carpenters to composers.

Lounavoima Circular Economy Visitor Centre, designed by Ateljé Sotamaa, opens on November 17, 2021

Designs by Ateljé Sotamaa are available for order via one of Finland's leading CLT builders Lahden Puurakentajat.
The company website features an initial selection of our designs for private houses and small multifunctional pods, intended for remote work, spa, library, meditation, whatever you can imagine. The pods are a part of the Kosmos -collection.

10.09.2021 - 10.04.2022
Finnish Museum of Architecture -large exhibition hall
Meteorite at the Museum of Finnish Architecture’s main exhibition this autumn and winter, Hope from Wood.
The exhibition looks at wooden architecture from the perspective of the hope it inspires. The multi-voiced and multi-faceted exhibition covers a time span extending from the early achievements of wood construction to the architecture of the future produced by artificial intelligence. It brings together an interesting group of contributors addressing the exhibition theme in the form of, for instance, love letters, videos and music.

USVA is a 370m2 residential building, which broke ground in August. The project is now in construction with completion expected spring 2022.

Sauna Saukko is a private 30m2 sauna, with sleeping quarters designed for a private client. It is currently in construction, with completion expected this December 2021.

HILE is an 80 000m2 public building designed for the Chinese city of Guang Xi.

The Meteorite has been longlisted in the small building category of Dezeen Awards 2021.

Venice, 22 May 2021 – Open to the public from Saturday 22 May through Sunday 21 November 2021 at the Arsenale, the 17th International Architecture Exhibition Italian Virtual Pavilion Sezione del Padiglione Italia curated by Tom Kovac RMIT University and Alessandro Melis Portsmouth University titled CITYX Venice responds to ‘How will we live together? curated by Hashim Sarkis MIT organized by La Biennale di Venezia.

May 2021
Meteoriitti on Pohjois-Karjalan vuoden 2020 maakunnallinen rakennuskohde!
Maakunnan rakennuspalkintotoimikunta on päättänyt palkita Meteoriitin Kontiolahdella vuoden 2020 maakunnallisena rakennuskohteena
Meteoriitti on kokeellinen puurakennus. Se kohoaa myyttisenä lohkareena puisen tasanteen päältä. Rakennus toimii mm. työtilana ja vierasmajana. Rakenteena ovat ulko- ja sisäpuolen clt-elementit ja niiden välinen ilmatila. Sisätila muodostuu korkean keskiosan ympärille puisista monimuotoisista tilalokeroista. Näkymät sekä sisätilassa että sieltä ulos ovat jännittäviä ja vaihtelevia.
Palkintolautakunnan Meteoriitti edustaa rohkeata uuden etsintää sekä toiminnallisesti, rakenteellisesti että esteettisesti. Siinä on otettu tietoisia riskejä. Uutta ei kuitenkaan synny, ellei riskejä oteta. Tämä rohkeus ja muu hankkeen näkemyksellisyys ansaitsevat tulla palkituksi.
Kuva: Tuukka Koski

ADD gallery in Guangzhou opened in May 2021 with an exhibition of 3D printed furniture designs.

The Misfit -article by Kivi Sotamaa published at Joseph Choma's The Philosophy of Dumbness.
This is the dumbest smart book on contemporary architecture. What really is this “technology” that we speak of? How do we define “intelligence”? These are just two of the questions that this book attempts to answer through the unconventional (and seemingly ironic) lens of “dumbness.”
Historical examples in science, art, and architecture ground “dumbness” as a means to convey a trajectory to practice “smarter.” Instead of a singular authoritative vision, over fifty contributors answer the question, “What is the dumbest, but smartest thing you’ve done?” These unique responses provide a vivid lens into the culture of contemporary architecture and the rigor behind it.
January 20201
‘We walk deeper into the landscape, as a monolithic form slowly emerges from among the gently swaying birch and spruce trees. The closer we get, the more remarkable the structure’s presence becomes’. A terrific eight page article on the Meteorite in the latest Dwell magazine. Written by Vejay Nair, photographed by Krista Keltanen.

December 2020
Three page article on remote work, Ulla-Maaria Koivula and the Meteorite, with Tuuli Sotamaa commentary.

December 2020
Meteorite feature in Tekniikan Maailma magazine.


September 2020
Finladia Cafe designed by Ateljé Sotamaa opened in September at Alvar Aalto's Finlandia Hall in September.

Meteorite will be presented to the public for the first time in the Stadium Exhibition of Helsinki Design Week from 11 to 13 September
‘Meteorite’ designed by Sotamaa is a residential building located in seemingly remote Kontiolahti in eastern Finland. Approached on foot through the woods – as preferred by the architect – it appears a mystical dark object among the trees. The inside of this ultra-modern, ecological, three-storey wood building, however, is another world of open interconnected rooms that integrate with the surrounding landscape.

LOUNAVOIMA Oy is building a state-of-the-art, low-emission waste-to-energy plant, which will provide heat for homes. The fuel used in the Waste-to-Energy plant is incinerable waste, which has been sorted in homes. Recyclable and otherwise reusable waste is removed from the incinerable waste.
In connection with the power plan will be a Visitor Centre, which exhibition we have the privilege to design. The exhibition will provide people with experiences and information related to circular economy and waste management.
The visitor centre will open Spring 2021.

Three wooden houses by the sea near Helsinki are getting ready for construction.

The Meteorite has rearched is full height. Next we will wait for warmer wheather to finish the surfaces inside and out.

Cafe Aalto is a landmark cafe in Helsinki, located in the Academic Bookstore designed by Alvar Aalto.
We have been working with the owner Marco Saracino with the support of Alvar Aalto Foundation in order to build an international cultural franchise based on the iconic cafe.
The new Café Aaltos feature licensed reproductions of Aalto furniture coupled with new contemporary designs.
The Cafe Aalto project as a whole is aimed to reflect and carry on Alvar Aalto' spririt of innovation, expolarion and internationality. It will represent both the past and the future of Finnish design at the same time.
The first cafe Aalto will open in Kyoto in December of 2019.

We are proud to announce the launch of our online design store on the same day - October 11 - as the new Finnjävel restaurant opens.
Ateljé Sotamaa Boutique makes available a selection of design products from of our best known projects such as Finnjävel, Hanasaari Cultural Centre, Ultima, Fazer Visitor Centre, IVA, Atelier House & Dipoli.
Some of the products are in stock and some will be manufactured on demand. New products will be added monthly.
Please don't hesitate to try the shop and give us feedback. We'll do our best to make the shopping experience smooth.

Finnjävel is a cultural act in the heart of Helsinki. This is Finnjävel’s second coming and it consists of two parts. The Salon, which offers a sophisticated dining experience and the Hall, which brings it down to earth.
Food is always a combination of geography, economy and politics. Finland’s location between eastern Russia and Western Scandinavia combined with its harsh climate and scarce resources has delivered a unique culinary culture.
Finnjävel celebrates Finnish design and craftsmanship.The restaurant is designed in the spirit of a Gesamtkunstwerk that stages food, the historical interior space and its objects in an intimate choreography for guests to enjoy. Behind the ground-breaking design is Ateljé Sotamaa.

We are a part of the 100 EXPERIMENTS. INSPIRATION IN DESIGN PROCESSES exhibition by designer Anna Butele at AEDES gallery in Berlin, Germany.
Inspiration is a driving force in creative design processes. In architecture, it provides important impulses for the development of concepts and approaches, often in unexpected and unforeseeable ways. Latvian designer Anna Butele, of studio Annvil in Riga explores the notion of inspiration in a levitating installation: 100 works materialize from a collaborative experimental project. Drawings, graphics, photographs, and models by renowned architects from 28 countries form a chain—each contribution is a reaction inspired by the previous work. Personal statements by the architects themselves frame the exhibition installation, allowing the audience to immerse itself in the inspirational impulses essential to creative work processes

Kivi will be speaking about the Meteorite at the Drivers for Wood Construction -seminar in Joensuu on September 24th.
The seminar introduces why wood construction should be considered as a potential solution for sustainable growth in the 21st century. Among other areas in Finland, the City of Joensuu has been committed to develop wood construction as a part of the sustainable city development: the seminar will also give some concrete examples of how wood can be utilized in multiple ways as building material.
Drivers for Wood Construction-seminar will be held in Joensuu 24.-25.9.2019.

We held a private preview and party for our friends and supporters. The guest of honor was Alberto Alessi and his family.
The new projects on display included Cafe Aalto to be opened in Kioto in December, the Meteorite house currently under construction, the Fog House to be built, two new restaurants opening soon, Ainoa Winery and our design webshop.

Ainoa Winery opened to public. We have designed the brand and everything that goes with it, including the new production facilities and the flagship store.

July 2019
The construction of the Meteorite has started. You can follow the process at our instragram or @koivulameteorite

March 2019
We are working on a new book series. The first in the sequence is a general introduction to our work, philosophy and services.
You can preview the book here.

February 2019
Work in progress in Stockholm. IVA, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, is turning 100 years this year. We have the privilege to work with the academy, and create spaces that communicate IVAs visions.

January 2019
Kivi Sotamaa interview and article by Senja Larsen for Kauppalehti (Finnish Economics magazine)
”Käsityöaikakausi palaa. Voi tehdä jotain minulta juuri sinulle." Ennen yhden esineen teollinen suunnittelu kesti kaksi vuotta. Nyt voi suunnitella satoja esineitä, jotka ovat käytössä vain kaksi vuotta. Kivi Sotamaa johdattaa 3D-muotoilun ihmeellisiin mahdollisuuksiin.

ark review
December 2018
The Finnish Architecture magazine ARK (6/2018) published an article on Ateljé Sotamaa by the editor in chief Mika Savela entitled An Atelier for the Digital Age, as well as a review of our Ultima -project, 10 pages in total (pages 28-38).

December 2018
Kivi lectured at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts on December 4. 2018
«Ei saa peittää!» Finner snakker om Design, is a lecture series in cooperation between KHiO and Finno to highlight todays Finnish designers. What is going on in Finnish design circles today and what does Finnish design look like in 2018?

December 2018
Tuuli & Kivi took part at the BODW in Hong Kong. BODW is Asia’s premier annual event on design, innovation and brands since 2002, Business of Design Week (BODW) organised by Hong Kong Design Centre brings some of the world’s most outstanding design masters and influential business figures to Hong Kong.

December 1, 2018
HIAP is the Finnish partner in realising a Nordic design exhibition which will open on 1 December 2018 at He Xiangning Art Museum in Shenzhen, China. The exhibition features designers from Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark and aims to challenge the stereotypes associated with Nordic design. The Finnish section features the work of three designer duos: Kivi Sotamaa & Tuuli Sotamaa (Ateljé Sotamaa), Laura Juslin & Lilli Maunula (Juslin-Maunula) and Sami Niemelä (Nordkapp) & Simone Rebaudengo (

November 2018
This November, SPAN travels to Helsinki. World-renowned for its modern design heritage, Finland’s capital city is cultivating a new generation of innovative design leaders. These creative makers narrow the distance between ideas and actions, analog and digital, waste and reuse—past, present, and future. Read on for details on our inspiring lineup of people and programming.
Featuring: James Bridle, Isabelle Olsson, Stephanie Dinkins, Dan Hill, Linda Bergroth, Flora & Laura, Schick Toikka, Astrom / Zimmer, Ateljé Sotamaa, and many more.

Kivi's arcticle Finnjävel - Theathre of Gastronomy featured at the SAC Journal 4: Culinary Lessons - The Space of Food has been released. The issue features extensive documentation of the programme, Culinary Lessons, which ran at SAC for two years. In addition, it includes a number of essays on topics related to food, art and architecture by invited guests.
#CharlotteBirnbaum #DanielBirnbaum #MikeBouchet #SanfordKwinter#FabriceMazliah #TobiasRehberger #DavidRuy #KiviSotamaa #CarolynSteel#JanAman
For subscription to our Journal visit #staedelschulearchitectureclass #SACJournal #architecture

June 2018
Kivi is lecturing at Städeschule Architecture Class lecture series on the topic of Sensation on June 7, 2018.

June 2018
Kivi is a speaker at Arctic 15 Smart Cities Track together with Antti Rantanen & Peter Vesterbacka. Arctic15 is the most effective matchmaking startup event in Northern Europe. The focus is on making deals and quality networking. The 2-day event brings together a focused international crowd of startups, investors, corporates, media and influencers. 15 Tracks are focused on various industries, technologies and topics ranging from Digital Health and AI to Social Impact and Scaling. Industry players can use the time efficiently and gather under one roof. The core of it all is one-on-one meetings in Deal Room.

May 2018
We've been working on the brand identity for a ground breaking winery, which makes internationally recognized, award winning wines from Finnish berries and other high quality Nordic ingredients. Last week the new Ainoa website was opened and currently there are five award winning wines for sale, and more will be coming soon. Ainoa is the most awarded winery in Finnish history. It was founded in 2014 by two immigrants, Paola & David, who fell in love with Finland and its culture.

May 2018
Ultima is a new restaurant in South Harbour, in the center of Helsinki. It is an experiment about changing peoples’ relationship to food through innovative cuisine, design and hyperlocal production of food. The chefs and owners Henri Alén and Tommi Tuominen are exploring the culinary applications of circular economy as well as the most innovative food and farming technologies today. At Ateljé Sotamaa we are exploring how architecture, design and art can be used to help people reimagine their relationship to food. The aim of Ultima is to shape the future by inventing it, through experimentation together with an audience.

April 2018
Kivi is a keynote speaker at the Deep Vista conference at Texas A&M Architecture. Deep Vista explores new ideas in architectural practice and theory arising from rapidly changing technology will be explored by experts in design, education, philosophy and other disciplines at “Deep Vista,” a free-ranging discussion series set for April 27 and 28, 2018 at Texas A&M University.

Bocuse d'Or is the world's most prestigious chef competition, which has been organized since 1987. This year for the Finnish trials we collaborated with chef Tommi Tuominen in order to create a completely new kind of 'food architecture' for his display tray. The tray is a mirrored steel sheet on which the food in shown to the audience, judges and media before being plated for tasting. We wanted the design to reflect Tommi's dynamism as a chef. He is a classically trained but also future oriented, and constantly in movement, constantly improving.

The interior design of Dipoli derives from the aim of creating an environment that supports the formation of Aalto community and which communicates the fundamental values and visions of the University. The selected furniture creates a rich dialogue with the unique architecture of the building. The furniture creates a variety of nuanced social spaces inviting students, personnel and partners alike to feel welcome and take ownership of the building.

April 2017
Finnjävel by Ateljé Sotamaa takes part at the Enter and Encounter exhibition at the design museum. Enter and Encounter is a joint exhibition produced by Design Museum and the Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo and displaying contemporary Finnish design after Helsinki’s Design Capital Year of 2012. This optimistic exhibition focuses on the future, asking how design challenges the present and shapes things to come. Its works, projects and initiatives are responses to change or the need for change.

October 2017
We have started a new exciting project designing Natura. It is an intimate, family run restaurant in heart of Helsinki serving modern and innovative food in friendly, "no fuss" atmosphere. Our approach to the design is inspired by the use of textures in Natura's cuisine. The project will continue for the next couple years. Little by little new furniture, architectural elements, clothing, dishes and artwork will be introduced as the restaurant continually evolves.

August 2017
Kivi is one of the two leaders of the new xLAB program initiated this August in Japan. xLAB is an international think tank initiative that examines architecture’s elastic boundaries and considers new possibilities through collaboration and the study of the future built environment. xLAB serves as an active platform in which to Research, Test, Share ideas between fields, people, and places.
Kivi' xLAB research group explores the potentiality of Artificial Intelligence and Architecture, and its affect on the very social fabric that comprises our civilization.

October 2017
This year the ELO Foundation's Flying Plate Food Prize was awarded to Finnjävel Restaurant, which combines Finnish design and food. The restaurant has renewed the tradition of Finnish gastronomy and has made it interesting for future generations.

September 2017
The story of Finland and its energy - Worth of Gold!
We are proud to announce, that The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) awarded the Finnish Pavilion with golden prize in theme development of the category C (under 400 square meter).
Both the architecture and exhibition of the Finnish Pavilion in Astana World Expo are designed by Ateljé Sotamaa.

September 2017
China Interior Design Week has become a great event with international, professional, academic, diversified, high-end features , and it has received strong support from the relevant state departments, the relevant organizations of industry, the well-known domestic art institutions and the relevant international organizations. Design Week has made remarkable achievements which becomes a grand rally with the participation of elites in the whole industry. It is known as the “Weather Vane” of China's interior design development.

June 2017
The Finnish Pavillion at Wolrd Expo is open. We worked to make the Finnish pavilion a total work of art where architecture and exhibition content are intricately intertwined. The aim of the holistic design method is to create a powerful, emotional experience, which sparks people’s curiosity. The architecture transports the audience to the Finnish atmosphere of powerful contrasts. The pavilion consists of five buildings and the space between them. There is a strong contrast beween the white interstitial space and the warm interiors, which is supported by the careful use of sound and light.

May 2017
Ateljé Sotamaa participated in the renovation of Hanaholmen, which opens on June 1, 2017. Hanaholmen offers visitors top modern hotel rooms and conference facilities. Located a stone´s throw away from Helsinki with the beautiful Finnish archipelago just outside the window, Hanaholmen also arranges fascinating seminars about present-day science, politics and economics.

April 2017
Finnjävel by Ateljé Sotamaa takes part at the Enter and Encounter exhibition at the design museum. Enter and Encounter is a joint exhibition produced by Design Museum and the Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo and displaying contemporary Finnish design after Helsinki’s Design Capital Year of 2012. This optimistic exhibition focuses on the future, asking how design challenges the present and shapes things to come. Its works, projects and initiatives are responses to change or the need for change.

January 2017
We will designing the Finnish Pavilion at the next World Expo, which takes place in June 2017 in Astana, Kazaksthan. The Finnish pavilion consists of five freestanding buildings made of Cross Laminated Timber or CLT

October 2016
Fazer opened an internationally noteworthy Visitor Centre on October 1st. It is aimed at offering experiences for all the senses and is a first of its kind in Finland. We had the pleasure of designing many of those experiences.
The exhibition with its artworks, the shop, signage, clothing and even select tableware were designed by Ateljé Sotamaa in cooperation with Fazer employees. Every aspect with an impact on the visitor experience was created exclusively for Fazer. The aim was to create a total work of art and seamless visitor experience within the K2S designed building.

May 10 - 11. 2016.
Greg Lynn, in conversation with architects of seminal digital projects included in the exhibition Archaeology of the Digital: Complexity and Convention. The guests are Johan Bettum and Kivi Sotamaa, Preston Scott Cohen, Neil Denari, Enric Ruiz Geli, Sulan Kolatan and Bill MacDonald, Ulrich Königs, Wolf Prix, Jesse Reiser, François Roche, Patrik Schumacher, Nader Tehrani, Peter Testa and Devyn Weiser and Alejandro Zaera-Polo.

April 6, 2016
Finnjävel is located in the central harbour area of Helsinki, in a stone house built during the Russian rule in 1830. The building itself is protected but everything else is custom-designed for the restaurant, furniture, cutlery, dishes and lighting. Every portion on the menu has a plate, bowl or dish designed for it. Or vice-versa, a portion has been inspired by a certain object. Behind this ground-breaking design is Ateljé Sotamaa. Designers Kivi and Tuuli Sotamaa, brother and sister, are pioneers in the creative use of advanced digital technologies in design and manufacturing. Their designs bounce from the ultra-minimalist austerity to voluptuous, organic forms and blows new energy into the world-renowned Finnish design.

March, 2016
Two projects - Jyväskylä Music and Art center Terra Cultura and Töölö Football Stadium Open Arena - by Kivi Sotamaa and Johan Bettum with Ocean North team members have been selected to the collections of the Canadian Center for Architecture CCA. The projects date back to 1997.

January 9, 2015
IOA Sliver Lecture Series: Selected Friends and Enemies. Edited by Wolf D. PrixD. Prix & Kristy Balliet Balliet. (Birkhäuser).

September 9, 2015
Ateljé Sotamaa is a part of the Helsinki Design Week L3 Design Dock with the Atelier House exhibition. Over a five day period, the L3 Design Dock presents exhibitions, seminars and a multifaceted programme of events for professionals and city residents interested in design alike. The exhibition is open 9.9.-13.9. at L3 Design Dock, Tyynenmerenkatu 6Wed-Thu 10-19 (only for professionals), Fri-Sat 10-19, Sun 10-16

September 9, 2015
FINNISH RAW MATERIALS - RECIPE FOR SUCCESS? Ateljé Sotamaa is a part of Skanno's exhibition 9.9. - 10.10 in the center of Helsinki. We'll be exhibiting our Precious Liquid -collection of furniture, which includes Jeff Lounge Chair, Ptarmigan Lights, Black Chrome Desk, Birdnest Light Sculpture and Yrjö Coffee Table

June 9, 2015
In 2007 Kivi as associate professor at UCLA A.UD, together with the UCLA A.UD director Hitoshi Abe, created the RUMBLE - a major new architectural event in American academia. Now in its 9th year, RUMBLE is a UCLA Architecture and Urban Design's end of the year all-school exposition and review event, which engages students, faculty, and the international design community in a discourse on the forefront of contemporary design and innovation. With 20,000 square feet of studio and program installations, 240 projects on view and 90 leading critics and practitioners, RUMBLE redefines the provocative opportunities confronting the next generation of architects.

May 25, 2015
Tandem Leadership is an intersectoral program designed for young leaders and professionals from Finland and Sweden. The participants participate in an esteemed program, while simultaneously strengthening their bilateral network and becoming more aware of the future challenges to be faced by the countries. Kivi has been a keynote lecturer at the Tandem Leadership program since its inception three years ago, discussing the digital revolution - opportunities and challenges that digitalisation introduces in our material world.

May 20, 2015
We had the pleasure to design and co-produce the first ever Grand Champagne Helsinki. Over 3000 Champagne enthusiast visited the event. More than 150 different champagnes were available for everyone and some 20 Master Class tastings were held during the 2-day-event. A fine selection of restaurants participated the event making the culinary experience pretty much perfect.

April 25, 2015
Honorable mention in the Helsinki Guggenheim international competition.
Kissing Helsinki the most successful Finnish entry. Ateljé Sotamaa (Kivi & Tuuli Sotamaa) together with Antti Ahlava and Fredrik Lindberg have been successful in the Guggenheim Helsinki architecture competition. Our entry has received an honorary mention in the competition. Our proposal ”Kissing Helsinki”, was the most successful Finnish entry in the Guggenheim competition.

April1, 2015
Kivi Sotamaa has been nominated for the Iakov Chernikhov Prize 2014. The Prize is given to the best among contemporary architects of the young generation – up to 44 years old - for the most original, authentic and innovative concept of architecture.
The Iakov Chernikhov Prize is awarded every two years to young masters of contemporary architecture for the best architectural concept. The idea should combine an innovative response to our time and simultaneously offer a professional challenge to the future.

December 2, 2014
Kyllä kaikki järjestyy! [Everything is going to be OK!] -seminar (curated by Ateljé Sotamaa) on Public Art was held in Hanasaari Swedish-Finnish Cultural Center on December 2nd, 2014. A vivid and interesting discussion between the Finnish and Swedish guests meandered from the value and impact of public art to art as an investment rather than cost for, from the means to commissioning art to the drivers and motifs behind artists' works. Among speakers were Lotta Mossum (SWE), Juha Kostiainen (FIN), Lotta Schultz Nybacka (SWE), Mikael Richter (SWE), Maija Tanninen-Mattila (FIN). The seminar was moderated my live artist Meiju Niskala.

October 2nd, 2014
Ateljé Sotamaa is happy to take part in the Design Helps Charity Auction and thus contribute and help Tikau Share in its great work in supporting the self-sufficiency and empowerment of a lower caste rural community in the state of Odisha in India. We have donated our September project, a black Starfish light sculpture for the auction. Design Helps Charity Auction is organised Friday October 3rd, 7-10pm, at the Design Forum Finland. Find out more about Tikau Share and the Charity Auction.

September 3, 2014
Helsinki-Copenhagen: Curating and Designing the City -seminar produced
by Ateljé Sotamaa: How can we create urban environments which function well, encourage initiative, and allow for change to happen? What are the ingredients of a sustainable city - friendly to it's people and filled with urban culture? What role does architecture play in creating the identity of a city along with new kinds of social and political spaces? How can we create policies that drive change, turn plans into reality and motivate citizens to actively develop their urban environment?

June 2, 2014
e-boutique Sotamaa is dedicated to uncompromising design, created from high quality materials using a combination of advanced digital manufacturing, and skillful craftmanship.

June 1, 2014
Our ambition in redesigning the Hanasaari Finnish Swedish Cultural Center's Hotel has been to create a contemporary version of the idea of a building as a ‘total work of art’. We wanted to create design which endures time, both in terms of quality and aesthetics. The innovative, cultural, comfortable, and intimate atmosphere of Hanasaari has been the most important organizing force for our design.

May 30, 2014
Atelier House Case Study Houses focuses on the development of digitally designed and prefabricated customisable wooden houses, and their furniture. The hypothesis is that digital manufacturing
will enable unique architectural expression coupled with end user participation, and thus introduces significant added value into the end product.
The first Case Study House Atelier (100M2) will be completed in August 2014.

Appeal to Reason
On show at the Tallinn Architecture Biennale TAB13, 6.-30.9.2012
The Appeal to Reason -design transforms a monumental Soviet era post office building in the center of Tallinn into a public, democratic landscape with flexible and unpredictable uses. It changes the building from a symbol of power to a spectacle of urban culture. The affect is no longer heavy and hierarchical, but playful and expressive. The ‘underbelly’ of the building becomes an extensive urban square, the rooftop becomes a public park landscape, and the cavernous spaces in between lend themselves for a multiplicity of cultural events, planned and unplanned.